Metal Fighter
System: NES
Release Date: 1989
Developer: Joy Van
Publisher: Color Dreams
Genre: Shoot ‘em Up
Joy Van came out of nowhere with a relatively decent game in Master Chu and the Drunkard Hu, so I had at least some hope for Metal Fighter, but that hope was misguided. You take control of the MCS-920 Metal Fighter in this side scrolling shoot ‘em up. The Metal Fighter is protected by shield units that allow you to absorb a few direct hits before you explode.
The screen is constantly scrolling to the right. You jump with the A Button and shoot balls of plasma with the B Button. You can charge up your shot if you hold the B Button before releasing it. Instead of only being able to face to the right, Metal Fighter can also turn around to shoot to the left. You’ll be constantly shooting because enemies will come on screen in an attempt to destroy you. Every once in awhile, defeated enemies will drop a power up. It seems if you don’t have it, they will drop the “F” powerup, which lets you fly.
Any of the other powerups will take you into a mini-boss chamber if you pick them up. There, you must defeat the enemy before getting hit by projectiles. You can get the “U” for Upgraded Firing, which allows you to fire an extra plasma ball. The “D” is the Double Laser, which adds to your firepower. The “L” is for the Laser, which is your spread shot that bounces off the screen edges. I liked the Laser the best. Finally, the “M” is the Mega Shield power up, which bursts a short range attack around the Metal Fighter.
Each level goes on for what feels like forever. Then at the end, you come face to face with a boss. These bosses ignore your shields and can knock you out in one hit. It’s a bummer if you die on them with a weapon upgrade, because you lose it when you revive and then you’re locked in a struggle with under powered guns. I ran into an issue with one of the bosses where I’d explode if I touched the left edge of the screen, which infuriated me.
Graphics: 2.0
I’ve seen a lot worse graphics, but I’ve seen a lot better, as well.
Sound: 1.5
There are more tunes present in the game, but the shooting and charging sound effects overpower the sound.
Gameplay: 1.5
You’ve got some powerups at your disposal, everything seems like it functions.
Difficulty: 1.5
Both the character and enemies feel big and there are plenty of bullets flying around and enemies are always looking to bash into you. You’re going to die a lot.
Fun Factor: 1.0
There isn’t a whole lot of fun to be had in this one.
Overall Grade: 1.5
Metal Fighter earns a C-. I couldn’t really take playing this game. It’s functional, but it’s not enjoyable. Hard pass.