Kid Niki
System: NES
Release Date: November 1987
Developer: TOSE
Publisher: Data East
Genre: Platformer
Here we are with another Data East entry into the NES catalog with Kid Niki: Radical Ninja. Really, the best I’ve got is this is a super bland platformer. It’s not good, but it’s not terrible. It’s competent, that’s the best I’ll give it. You’re the rad and bad Kid Niki and you have to save your girlfriend Princess Margo from the evil Stone Wizard. Yes, that came from the instruction manual.

The gameplay is simple. Run to the right and kill bad guys with your spinning sword baton thingy with the B Button. You can also jump to do your platforming with the A Button. That’s about it when it comes to the controls. I suggest spinning your sword around whenever possible to attack any enemies that might come your way.

You fight your way through 8 levels of mild heart rate inducing action. At the end of each level is a boss that you must correctly hit five times in order to defeat. They range from super easy to average difficulty. The novelty is that when you hit them, your sword goes flying to the edge of the screen and you have to retrieve it. That’s all I’ve got.
Graphics: 1.5
I don’t mind the graphics except for Kid Niki himself. He’s very bland looking.
Sound: 1.0
The gameplay song and sword swinging sound effect got on my nerves.
Gameplay: 2.0
It’s competent. Did I already say that? Well, it’s the best I can say.
Difficulty: 1.0
This is a bit too far on the easy side of things.
Fun Factor: 1.0
To the point of it being pretty boring. It’s a half hour type of game.
Overall Grade: 1.3
Kid Niki earns a D+. Don’t go out of your way to play this game. It’s barely okay.