Alien Crush
System: TG-16
Release Date: August 29, 1989
Developer: Compile
Publisher: NEC
Genre: Pinball
It’s been a minute since the last pinball game I got to play, but here we get Alien Crush. Compile has been a solid developer and it looks like they have the opportunity to flip, bump, and tilt their way into our hearts once again. The game begins by you choosing whether the game runs fast or slow and which of the two songs you want to play. I prefer Lunar Eclipse to Demon’s Undulate.
Pull the plunger by holding Button I, the longer you hold it, the farther the ball goes. The d-pad controls the left bumper and Button I controls the right bumper. Button II activates the tilt, which I don’t know how to use correctly, ever.
Play is split between two main screens. The upper screen has a typical pinball layout. There are four lanes that you light up to earn bonus points. Bumpers can be rearranged multiple ways by hitting a certain spot with the ball. The tentacle thingy keeps track of bonus lamps and pays out if you get inside. Bonus areas can be opened up by meeting certain criteria.
These different bonus rounds take place on the same side board. In each of them, you need to destroy a certain number of enemies. The more you destroy, the greater the bonus points you receive at the end. If you destroy everything, you receive a huge perfect bonus. Then you’re spit back out on the top screen.
The bottom screen has two clusters of enemies on either side of the screen. As you knock these out, you increase the bonus multiplier. Once you attack one of the side bumpers ten times, it bursts into a cluster of aliens that can be hit for bonus points and opens up another bonus round.
I wasn’t able to earn extra balls through regular play, but I was able to win an extra ball on the game over match, once. The slow setting was less fun to play than the fast setting. I think the physics worked the same between the two, but the slower setting seemed less responsive.
Graphics: 2.5
The graphics are neat, with good animation. I do feel it looks more 8-bit than 16, though.
Sound: 2.5
The three music tracks you get are pretty decent. The sound effects are hit and miss when it comes to annoying.
Gameplay: 3.0
The layout of the board is perfectly fine. Controls are exactly what I expect and work well. I still don’t know how to properly use tilt.
Difficulty: 2.5
I guess I wasn’t able to score high enough to earn extra balls, so I must be pretty bad.
Fun Factor: 3.0
I like this pinball game. It’s quick to get into and will take a long time to get particularly good at.
Overall Grade: 2.7
Alien Crush earns a B-. This is a solid game. I would suggest you give it a shot if you’re looking for something to play on the TG-16.