Time Lord (NES)

Time Lord Box Art

Time Lord

System: NES

Release Date: August 1990

Developer: Rare

Publisher: Milton Bradley

Genre: Action

Save the earth in a fight through time in Time Lord! Enjoy the intro music in the background with hints of R.C. Pro Am, it’s the best part of this game. It’s a year until the year 3000 and the Drakkons possess time travel technology. They’re already plotting with armies in different time periods in an attempt to alter history. Head back in time, but you only have a year to get things done.

At the bottom of the screen is your timer. When it reaches January 1, 3000, the game is over. First off, it makes no sense that I have a year time limit while traveling through time. I’m in a different time, the only relation to the main character’s present is that each level is before it. Rare loses points for stupid time travel lore. Jump with the A Button and attack with the B Button. Your goal on each level is to find five orbs to fight a boss. Some orbs are easy to find, but others require you to do something special to reveal them. After collecting five, you can fight the boss of the level.

I was able to make it to the second time period in the wild west. I fought the boss for a half hour shooting him repeatedly. He didn’t die. I don’t like when games waste my time. This game wasted my time.

Graphics: 2.0

I guess the graphics look alright and there is differentiation among the levels.

Sound: 1.0

Music and sound aren’t very pleasant to listen to… outside of the intro.

Gameplay: 1.0

The action is mindless and the orbs that require adventure-like unlocking didn’t add anything.

Difficulty: 0.0

When you have a boss that can’t be beat in a half hour of hitting them, it’s going to score poorly.

Fun Factor: 0.5

It’s pretty boring and unfun. A real disappointment.

Overall Rating: 0.9

Time Lord earns a D. I just realized that Rare also made Snake Rattle ‘n’ Roll with a regenerating boss. They’d better knock that off right now.

Time Lord Video Review on YouTube