Shooting Range
System: NES
Release Date: June 1989
Developer: TOSE
Publisher: Bandai
Genre: Light Gun Shooter
We’ve got another light gun shooter here with Shooting Range. Light in terms of the Zapper and on content. There are four levels for you to test your quick draw skills in normal or party mode. Each stage has you shooting red and white pinwheels that are held by the denizens of the stage.
It took me a few minutes, but I realized you can pan the screen to the left and right a little bit. You’re going to need to in order to rack up the points necessary to clear the stage. If you miss too many shots or take too long, your energy meter runs out and it’s game over. You can elongate your time allotment by shooting an hourglass. Your energy can be increased with an E capsule, but be careful, because you can decrease your energy with a backward E. An E with a white background maximizes your energy. If you stumble across a W, shoot it for points.
The first level has a Western theme. You shoot pinwheels off the heads of very sterotypically drawn natives of the southwest US; draw on what looks to be the town sheriff; and shoot them out of the mouths of birds. Level two is a haunted house, complete with mummies, witches, a vampire, and an annoying red thingy. Level three is a bonus stage where you have to shoot flashing bottles as they turn white. The final level is set in space. You shoot at a cadre of aliens until you get enough points to fight the final boss. It moves in a diagonal pattern and you must shoot at the eye when it opens.
Graphics: 1.5
The graphics aren’t impressive, but I’ve seen much worse.
Sound: 1.5
Music and sound are not very good, but they are serviceable.
Gameplay: 1.0
There’s not much to it. Shoot the pinwheels and any powerups while scanning the stage for threats.
Difficulty: 0.5
The hardest enemy is the red guy at the haunted house. The game is too easy.
Fun Factor: 1.0
I can’t say Shooting Range is any fun.
Overall Grade: 1.1
Shooting Range earns a D. There are many better titles out there in the light gun shooter genre.