RollerGames (NES)

RollerGames Box Art


System: NES

Release Date: September 1990

Developer: Konami

Publisher: Ultra Games

Genre: Beat ‘em Up

Put on your skates and get ready to fight in RollerGames! The commissioner of the 21st century’s favorite sport has been kidnapped by an underground terrorist organization codenamed V.I.P.E.R. The league has three rough teams and three good teams. You choose your character from the good ones and then head out to the streets.

You can choose to play as Ice Box from the Thunderbirds. He’s a big dude who skates slow, but hits hard. His special attack is a diving body press. You can pick Rolling Thunder from the Hot Flash. She’s incredibly fast, but has to hit more to get the same amount of damage on enemies. Her special attack is a somersault kick. You can also choose the California Kid from the Rockers. He seemed to be more of a balance between speed and strength. His special attack is a jumping pump kick of sorts.

There are six stages split into two different styles. The main stages are free moving where you skate along a path punching enemies and avoiding obstacles. You may have to jump barrels or other hazards with the A Button. You throw a punch by pressing the B Button and also automatically land your jumps with a roller skate kick. Pressing the A and B Buttons simultaneously activates your special attack. You can only use these three times in any level, so are usually best saved for the final boss. At certain points on the level you have to beat up several stronger enemies. This feels like a weak attempt at copying Double Dragon.

Stages 2 and 4 are auto scrolling levels that are a test of reflexes the first try, and memorization each subsequent attempt. Any misstep sends you to your death. There’s a patience testing jump in the second part of the first stage that requires you to jump at precisely the right time off a ramp to land on a floating platform and immediately jump again. This took me many lives before I figured my timing out. Honestly, there are a lot of patience testing spots present throughout RollerGames like the opening of Stage 3-2. Momentum is important and is very artificial feeling.

Bosses at the end of each free skating level require you to figure out their pattern before you can hit them without taking too much damage. If you die on them, just like anywhere else, it’s back to the beginning of the stage. The auto scrolling stages end in a challenge to stay alive while avoiding explosions or barrels for a long enough period of time. The final boss needs to be knocked down ten times to finally beat him, but he’s invincible most of the time and will jump into you often.

Graphics: 2.5

Sprites aren’t great, but I do enjoy most of the backgrounds and other graphics.

Sound: 3.0

It’s certainly Konami from the music and sound effects complete with Contra death sound. That’s unmistakable.

Gameplay: 2.0

There’s too much platforming and not enough fighting in what is ostensibly a beat ‘em up.

Difficulty: 2.0

There’s a lot of cheapness present to elongate the six levels present in this one.

Fun Factor: 2.0

It’s no better than any other similar beat ‘em up platformer.

Overall Rating: 2.3

RollerGames earns a C+. I mean, at least it’s better than Bayou Billy. That’s not saying much, but it’s true.

RollerGames Video Review on YouTube