Raid 2020
System: NES
Release Date: July 1989
Developer: Color Dreams
Publisher: Color Dreams
Genre: Action
If you like crappy unlicensed games, look no further than Raid 2020. You are Agent Shadow, last of the elite undercover narcotics division. It’s up to you, and you alone, to take down the drug kingpin, Pit Bull, and his legions of dealers. You’re equipped with unlimited ammunition and a microcomputer in your arm.
There are two different kinds of levels. The first kind has you on foot and tasks you with killing all the drug dealers on the level. Collect bricks of cocaine, stacks of cash, and suitcases as you roam the levels. What is up with with the controls? Left and right work as expected, but up and down move you at an angle. This is incredibly annoying and leads to more damage than you’d like. On the ground are mines that will kill you in one hit. You can grab a pair of armor boots to protect you against the mines. And look out above, as seagulls want to poop on you to death. You can also collect a weapon upgrade that either shoots in a wave pattern or a big looping pattern.
After killing all the drug dealers, you move on to the second kind of level, the swamp. Here, you have to destroy all of the helicopters and other enemies as you collect more drugs. The original jet ski is weak, but can be upgraded to a speed boat, which works better. Avoiding the rocks is made more difficult by the rapids that act as a current. If you make it to the end of the level without killing everything, you are sent back to the beginning of the level to try again. Press the Select Button to coax enemies back on screen.
Another annoying level on foot awaits, where you can find a powerful flying vehicle and a fast moving motorcycle. Sparks kill you in one hit, as do blue drones. If you can get past all the enemies and traps, it’s off to space. Your goal here is to destroy a satellite that keeps pumping out enemies. As long as you don’t stay still and are deliberate with your movements, you can take it down with a couple dozen shots.
The final levels are back on foot at Pit Bull’s base. The enemies are tougher, but they still drop plenty of drugs and money. One hit deaths abound from the mines and from green ooze. Giant rats get in the way of you finding the card needed to enter the caves. These cramped corridors are filled with enemies, spiders, and a huge centipede that carries the key to Pit Bull. The final battle is difficult if you don’t take your time. Pit Bull throws highly damaging knives that eat your health away quickly. You need to continuously shoot the little balls that chase you in order to collect hearts. While you do this, you’ll slowly take down Pit Bull’s energy until he drops the final key card and you blow up his entire operation. Winners need no drugs.
Graphics: 1.5
It doesn’t look good, but it isn’t the worst looking game I’ve seen.
Sound: 0.5
One looping song that isn’t any good and pew pew sound effects.
Gameplay: 1.0
The platforming controls are sooooo bad and the swamp and space shooter levels are too floaty to be enjoyable.
Difficulty: 2.0
You’re given ten continues and the ability to earn lives for every twelve briefcases collected. Once you get the quirks of the game down, it’s really not that bad.
Fun Factor: 1.0
This is not a fun game, I finished it out of spite.
Overall Grade: 1.2
Raid 2020 earns a D+. Color Dreams has published a lot of stinkers and this is another one. Stay away from it.