Dig Dug II: Trouble in Paradise (NES)

Dig Dug II: Trouble in Paradise Box Art

Dig Dug II: Trouble in Paradise

System: NES

Release Date: December 1989

Developer: Namco

Publisher: Bandai

Genre: Puzzle

Dig Dug II: Trouble in Paradise is the sequel to the hugely successful arcade title, Dig Dug. How every other title under the sun got an NES port, but the original Dig Dug didn’t is criminal. But, I digress… You have 72 rounds of challenging puzzle/action gameplay ahead of you to defeat your enemies and bring peace to your tropical paradise.

Dig Dug is back with his inflator gun, which can attach to enemies with a push of the A Button. This allows you to mash the A Button and blow up the baddies. That is just like the original, but should be your back up attack instead of your main! Instead, the gimmick in the sequel is Dig Dug’s drill. Around the level are posts that you can jackhammer on with the B Button. Depending on the direction you’re facing, this will create a crack. If you crack off a portion of the island, it will crash into the sea. Be careful, though, the smaller piece falls, which can include you! As you send more pieces of island into the ocean, food will appear on the remaining land for big points.

Through my time with the game, there ranged up to ten enemies present in a level. Some of the levels were really easy and others allowed the baddies to swarm you mercilessly. The enemies can’t walk across a crack normally, but instead phase into slower movement when they try. This is when you want to break off a part of the island and get a big score. You want to make sure you don’t take too long, or the last enemy will jump into the drink, robbing you of points.

Graphics: 1.0

The graphics really show their age, which is expected from a 1985 arcade game on the precipice of the 90s.

Sound: 1.0

The music and sound effects are minimal in complexity.

Gameplay: 2.0

The concept of the game is fine, but movement control is just imprecise enough to cause your death.

Difficulty: 2.0

There’s probably a way to jackhammer every enemy into the sea in every level and that’s your goal. You have unlimited continues to get there.

Fun Factor: 1.5

I enjoyed myself for about 20 minutes, then I was over it.

Overall Grade: 1.5

Dig Dug II: Trouble in Paradise earns a C-. It’s fun in short bursts. If you have 20 minutes to kill, give it a shot.

Dig Dug II: Trouble in Paradise Video Review on YouTube