Baseball Simulator 1.000
System: NES
Release Date: March 1990
Developer: Culture Brain
Publisher: Culture Brain
Genre: Sports
Culture Brain moves into the sports space with Baseball Simulator 1.000. Take your team to the field and play an exhibition game or start a six team season to keep yourself occupied for the long run. You can even edit teams to make the ultimate squad.
The season mode starts with your choice of how many game to play, from as little as 5 to as many as 165! Computer games can be simulated, but it takes a long time for these games to play out. This is unfortunate and excruciating to wait through, but you’ll have to wait a lot.
Once you take the field, there’s nothing new from the typical ball play. Pitching allows you to choose from a fastball, change up, or regular speed. You can control the ball mid pitch in an attempt to fool the batter. Stats are kept and follow you through the season, which is neat. Batting is just swing at the right time in order to get a hit.
In the Ultra League, you have access to special pitches and hits. These make it easier to get an out or hit a homerun. Careful use of these can keep you up on top when a game gets close. If you’re any good, you’ll clobber your opponents.
Graphics: 1.0
The graphics are barebones and about what I’d expect from a 1987 baseball game.
Sound: 1.5
Music and sound is fine, but not anything special by any means.
Gameplay: 1.5
Controlling the pitch is nice, but it’s really not very deep. The season mode would be better if you didn’t have to sit through such a long screen when simulating games.
Difficulty: 1.0
This was an easier play than I would have imagined from a baseball game at this time.
Fun Factor: 1.0
I didn’t really like this one a whole lot. It’s playable, but not good.
Overall Grade: 1.2
Baseball Simulator 1.000 earns a D+. This is a poor baseball game that has been outdone plenty of times by this point. Stay away.