Aztec Adventure (SMS)

Aztec Adventure Box Art

Aztec Adventure

System: SMS

Release Date: March 1988

Developer: Sega

Publisher: Sega

Genre: Action

It’s games like Aztec Adventure that make me happy that I’m doing this project. I would have never played it otherwise and would have missed a pretty decent game. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t expect it to vie for game of the year, but it’s an underrated gem. You take control of Niño, who is armed with a sword and is in search of the Aztec Paradise. In order to get there, you must go through 10 levels of action.

Buying Papi the mercenary.

Niño kills monsters in his way and picks up drops they leave behind. On each level, the first enemy group you reach is a Kanego that drops money bags. You use these bags to recruit mercenaries. A weak bird dude named Papi can be bought with one money bag. A cat named Pupe can be bought with two money bags. Poh, the dogman can be bought with four money bags. You can have two mercenaries at once and they move in the direction you’re facing, flanking Niño as he walks.

Hacking through enemies with Pupe and Poh.

The other drops are weapons. The iron ball, the spear, the four-way ball, and a rotating special item. The fireball can burn certain obstacles that get in the way. The boots allow you to walk on water for a short time, which would hurt you otherwise. A tornado weapon that hurts some enemies that nothing else can hurt. Lightning that allows Niño to become invincible for a short time. And dynamite that blows up enemies and moving walls.

Throwing dynamite at this tiger creature.

Each level tasks Niño with defeating a certain number of boss enemies. Most of these were fairly easy, except for the Bat of the underground levels. That guy got me and was the one who defeated me in level seven.

Graphics: 3.0

The graphics are pretty decent. You know what everything is when you look at it.

Sound: 2.5

The different levels have different music that are pleasant enough. I have no qualms.

Gameplay: 3.0

Collecting items and mercenaries works well. Gameplay is a little slow, but otherwise pretty tight.

Difficulty: 3.0

I was able to do pretty well on my second attempt. The bat was too tough for me, though.

Fun Factor: 3.0

Hey, I was enjoying myself while playing this one. I wouldn’t mind more like this.

Overall Grade: 2.9

Aztec Adventure earns a B. I wasn’t expecting this one to be any good, but it was definitely a pleasant surprise. Give it a shot.

Aztec Adventure Video Review on YouTube