Super Monaco GP (Genesis)

Super Monaco GP (Genesis) Box Art

Super Monaco GP

System: Genesis

Release Date: September 1990

Developer: Sega

Publisher: Sega

Genre: Racing

Get behind the wheel of high performance formula cars in Super Monaco GP! See if you have what it takes to out speed and out maneuver fifteen other drivers and be the very best.

Choose from automatic transmission, a four speed transmission, or seven speed, each quicker and more powerful than the last. The manual transmissions require you to shift up and down at appropriate times. If you take the corners too quickly, you’re liable to run into an obstacle and explode. If you’re lucky enough not to explode, you need to make a pit stop when prompted. At least you can mess with your opponents by blocking them or running into them.

There are three modes of play. One being a free practice on the course of your choice. If you want to get good, you probably want to memorize the courses here. The Super Monaco GP is a 3 lap race where you aren’t allowed to fall below a certain position or it’s an instant race over. Your main mode is the World Championship, where you race through all 16 tracks and earn points based on your standings.

The rival feature is back from the Master System version, but you don’t see them on screen. You’re just given your distance from them in time. If they beat you, they won’t hesitate to rub it in. You may even get relegated to a crappier team. I had a ton of trouble playing this. In several races, I only finished 5 laps once.

Graphics: 1.5

The first person view is neat, but it’s very difficult to get a sense of depth.

Sound: 1.0

Yuck, the engine noises and skidding tires are awful! The voice samples sound like they’re out of Space Harrier. At least the music that exists is alright.

Gameplay: 1.0

The default controls have your shifting mapped to up and down, which get bumped while steering all the time.

Difficulty: 1.0

I’m not sure if it’s a me problem or if the game is bad.

Fun Factor: 0.5

I didn’t really enjoy playing this game at all.

Overall Rating: 1.0

Super Monaco GP earns a D. I can’t recommend this game at all. Not my kind of racer.