Tag Team Wrestling
System: NES
Release Date: October 1986
Developer: Data East, Sakata SAS
Publisher: Data East
Genre: Fighting
Tag Team Wrestling is the second pro wrestling game we get to tackle. I’m going to be up front, this game sucks. In fact, I think the only good thing that came out of this game is Strong Bad over on Homestar Runner. That’s literally it.

You play as the Ricky Fighters, a team consisting of Ricky and Ultramachine. You wrestle the Strong Bads, Worly and Mascross. There’s no character select, you just fight this same match over and over again in varying colored tights. Every several fights, you are in a title match, which rewards you with a bigger trophy.

The gameplay involves walking up to your opponent and connecting with a punch before they can. You are presented with the name of a move and can press the B button to cycle to the move you want to use. After highlighting the move you want, confirm with the A button. You must be quick, however, as there is a timer that counts down. Upon connecting with a move near the ropes, you may find yourself on the floor. Sometimes a ring bell is present and the first to pick it up can waffle their opponent with it.

Each wrestler has a special move that knocks off a lot of life from only one of the opponents. For example, Ricky and Worly can use their moves against one another, while Ultramachine and Mascross can use theirs against each other. This gets frustrating when your opponent turns red and becomes invincible until they attack you. Oftentimes, they get a free special attack, taking away any health advantage you had.

Tagging out allows your health to recharge over time. When the health bar of one of the wrestlers gets within a few slivers of empty, they can be pinned. Submissions also exist, but the partner outside of the ring can come in and break them up. Win 35 matches in a row to become Super Champion. No.
Graphics: 0.5
These graphics are terrible. I guess we know what Steve from My Hero is doing, though.
Sound: 1.0
I like the music in the matches and that’s about all I can say for sound.
Gameplay: 0.5
Getting a punch to register is pulling teeth. Trying to get to the move you want to use is even worse!
Difficulty: 0.0
The AI turning red and becoming invincible all the time is the STUPIDEST mechanic I’ve seen in a game, yet.
Fun Factor: 0.0
I had absolutely no fun playing this game.
Overall Grade: 0.4
Tag Team Wrestling gets the first E of this review series. M.U.S.C.L.E. is like playing WCW vs. nWo Revenge when compared to this garbage.