NES Play Action Football
System: NES
Release Date: September 1990
Developer: TOSE
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Sports
Take it to the gridiron with up to four players in NES Play Action Football! This game was a title to sell the NES Satellite or Four Score accessories. Pick one of eight teams and go undefeated against the rest to win the Power Bowl Championship.
The game has licensed the NFLPA, but not the teams, so they’re just cities. I picked the D hoping for Detroit, but then got sad when it turned out to be Denver. The coin toss moves right to the kickoff. Kickoffs and extra points have you set aim from a quick moving arrow, and then set your power with a gauge.
The playcalling menu chooses a pass play or zone defense with the A Button. Run plays or blitzes are chosen with the B Button. After choosing your play, you can run it as is or flip it. Plays start zoomed out and stay that way on pass plays, but zoom in on run plays. Big gain on the run! You’ll pass to the receiver you’re moving toward when you release the ball. Running is way easier than passing. QB Sneak for the win! Thanks John Elway! Players can get carted out if their energy falls too low, forcing you to make substitutions. Occasional cinematics are shown on the big screen after plays. Time for a touchdown!
You don’t have a choice about who you control at the start of a defensive play. You can switch players when the play is going, though. Check out this Interception! Games take a really long time to get through, four quarters taking me 45 minutes. Afterward, Nester gives you the result of the game and sends you on to the next.
Graphics: 1.5
The action on the field is bland, but the portraits and big screen animations are fun.
Sound: 1.0
Music and sounds are pretty lousy, I’d rather not listen to them.
Gameplay: 2.0
It plays well, but not great. Some running plays require an extra button press for a pitch, which can be mistimed easily.
Difficulty: 2.5
Once I learned the controls, it wasn’t too bad. The AI still got a couple past me, which is expected.
Fun Factor: 2.0
Not the most fun football game, but not the crappiest by any means.
Overall Rating: 1.8
NES Play Action Football earns a C. I’ve played better, but I’ve also played worse, so this might be worth a try.