Kabuki: Quantum Fighter (NES)

Kabuki: Quantum Fighter Box Art

Kabuki: Quantum Fighter

System: NES

Release Date: January 1991

Developer: Human Entertainment

Publisher: HAL America

Genre: Action

Enter the circuits of a defense computer to stop a virus in Kabuki: Quantum Fighter! As Colonel Scott O’Connor, you will use the untested Image Transfer System to have your molecular structure transported into the computer. Six levels stand between you and saving the entire planet. You’ll need the luck.

Colonel O’Connor transforms into a Kabuki once in the computer system. Equipped with his hair, he must attack enemies to destroy them. They can drop hearts to replenish health or chips to power your secondary weapons. By pressing the Select Button, you can cycle these weapons and use them until you run out of chips. You start with only the ability to throw those chips, but after each level you gain a new secondary weapon. They have uses in the subsequent levels, but will likely use them most against the bosses.Q

Before you get to the level bosses, you have to go through platforming segments. The main obstacles are enemies, but there are also small platforms that you can hook on and jump from. Making these jump chains are necessary to get through most levels. More often than not, there are floors that stop you from moving at normal speed and increase the difficulty of timing jumps. There are also ice looking floors that keep your momentum once you begin moving on them. This mechanic is relied on far too heavily.

The bosses are actually pretty easy if you can make it to them with enough life. If you don’t have enough life, you can pause the game and press up or down to exchange chips for life and vice versa. I usually had enough life to figure out the way to beat them before they got me. The final two bosses in particular were incredibly easy and not really satisfying to destroy.

Graphics: 2.5

Some tiles that look like background will actually hurt you if you end up touching them.

Sound: 3.0

Music is kind of kicking. It could have been a bit better, but I’ve also heard a lot worse.

Gameplay: 2.5

I mostly only bothered with the other weapons when it came to the bosses. A lot of levels revolve around floors that stop you from moving at normal speed.

Difficulty: 2.5

There are really easy stretches and then there are really crazy hard stretches. Some of the moving platforms are rather irritating.

Fun Factor: 2.5

It doesn’t overstay its welcome and isn’t too incredibly difficult to defeat, which is appreciated these days, but may have been disappointing back in the day.

Overall Rating: 2.6

Kabuki: Quantum Fighter earns a B-. I remember reading about this game a lot as a kid, but never played it. I missed out on what would have been a fun weekend rental, you don’t need to make that mistake.

Kabuki: Quantum Fighter Video Review on YouTube