Dragon Spirit: The New Legend
System: NES
Release Date: June 1990
Developer: Now Production
Publisher: Bandai
Genre: Shoot ‘em Up
The NES grabs a sequel to a TG-16 release with Dragon Spirit: The New Legend. The Kingdom of Olympia has enjoyed an era of peace and prosperity and become complacent. To the east, an evil army is being amassed. The princess and her handmaidens are suddenly kidnapped for a sacrificial offering to the dark gods. The hero, King Amru, on his death bed begets his son Prince Lace to become the mighty Blue Dragon and save the kingdom!
You’re thrust into a prologue in a battle against the final boss from the original. The game continues whether you win or lose, but if you lose, you transform into the Golden Dragon and enjoy a shorter easy mode. You only play five levels with a heavily truncated final level. The Golden Dragon shoots and bombs rapidly if you hold the buttons down. He takes more hits than otherwise. I died once.
If you want to reach the real ending, you need to beat the boss and become the Blue Dragon. Then the levels are a rehash of the original game. The bosses and everything are all lifted from the original. Shoot flying objects with the B Button and bomb ground enemies with the A Button. Powerups are earned from flashing enemies. Kill them and seek out the Flame power up. That’s the one you want. Blue pods give you an extra head (up to three) for more fire power. Red pods increase your firepower and speed of shot.
Other powerups increase your speed. A wider spread shot is possible. There is a powerup that shrinks you. The Dual Dragon powerup gives you a couple options to each side. There are more, but they aren’t really useful. Stay away from the skull, though. It takes away a head and loses your current powerup. There are compound items that flash and give you all powerups pictured. If you’re sufficiently strong when you get to a boss, they are no problem for you.
Graphics: 1.0
It looks alright for the NES, but there is flickering and slow down present.
Sound: 2.5
The music is really good, but it’s overpowered by the sound effects of your shooting.
Gameplay: 2.0
There are enough powerups available for you to choose from. The dragon doesn’t feel as big or as slow as on the TG-16.
Difficulty: 1.5
Gold Dragon is super easy. Blue Dragon isn’t difficult.
Fun Factor: 1.0
I really didn’t enjoy a crappy port of a game I played a long time ago.
Overall Grade: 1.6
Dragon Spirit: The New Legend earns a C-. This isn’t a sequel, it’s a subpar port with an easy mode attached.