Bravoman (TG-16)

Bravoman Box Art


System: TG-16

Release Date: October 1990

Developer: Namco

Publisher: NEC

Genre: Action

Dr. Bomb is looking to take over the world and it’s up to you to save it in Bravoman! The ordinary Arnold has been transformed into the titular superhero by an alien. There are 22 stages for you to go through in order to come out victorious. Do you have what it takes to persevere?

Bravoman runs to the right and jumps with Button I. An extra high jump can be had if you attack while on the rise. You can throw a Bravo Punch and a few other attacks with Button II. The length of your punch varies based on how long you hold the attack button down. Enemies must be attacked to be killed, but you will only ever hit the first enemy or obstacle you come in contact with. Look, it’s tanooki Mario! Some enemies will drop a luck symbol. Collecting enough of these will give you a ticket and Lottery Man will come on screen to give you an item. At the end of the stage, you get an onigiri for every ticket you have.

Dr. Bomb taunts you between levels, getting more and more irritated at your progress. Some levels put you underwater. You can shoot missiles with Button II and drop depth charges with Button I. These stages are auto scrolling, so you have to be aware of the stage surroundings, as well as enemies. Items are much less prevalent and it’s difficult to avoid some baddies, so these stages are slightly more difficult.

At the end of the level, you fight a boss. These guys are all hit sponges, but if you learn their patterns, you can avoid taking much damage. Some of them come back in later levels to try and settle the score. Especially the doppelganger of Bravoman. These versions may move more quickly or shoot more projectiles, but they tend to attack in the same way. Dr. Bomb is the final boss and is surprisingly quite easy, even if he has an admiration for Hitler.

Graphics: 2.0

It’s colorful and the sprites are big, but I can’t say I like the looks too much.

Sound: 1.5

The music isn’t very memorable and the constant voice sample of Bravo being said every time you punch got on my nerves fast.

Gameplay: 1.5

The controls are quite clunky and lead to mistakes a lot.

Difficulty: 2.5

Levels are short and you’re given a lot of health powerups, even if you only have a few lives.

Fun Factor: 2.0

I had an average amount of fun, but would have liked longer levels and less of them.

Overall Rating: 1.9

Bravoman earns a C. This is a very average game, a little too long to not have a level select.