Krazy Kreatures (NES)

Krazy Kreatures Box Art

Krazy Kreatures

System: NES

Release Date: 1990

Developer: American Video Entertainment

Publisher: American Video Entertainment

Genre: Puzzle

Match three or more to remove them from play in Krazy Kreatures! Creatures of all kinds come flying onto the board and it’s up to you to move them around to remove them before they overload the system. Once all of the creatures have been thrown on the board, the clock starts counting down. You’d better remove what you can in that time period to rack up the points.

You need to pick up creatures with the A Button and place them in an open space. Depending on the creature, you may have to put three of them in a row, four of them in a row, five in a row, and even six in a row! The shape of the board changes between waves and can make your task more difficult. You can clear creatures horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. If you’re really good, you can set up to remove multiple directions at once! You can even set yourself up with super long chains as the creatures fly on the screen.

Question marks can remove anything around it when placed. Always make sure to keep some squares clear because if the board fills up, it’s game over. When your time is up, you receive points for each square that is clear. There’s a second mode where you have to match colored tiles. This one seems limited from what I played.

Graphics: 1.0

Tiles aren’t totally unattractive with a few frames of animation.

Sound: 1.0

No music and fairly annoying sound effects.

Gameplay: 2.5

Gameplay is simple and addictive. Not very deep, but it works.

Difficulty: 2.0

If you take too long, you’ll find yourself in trouble!

Fun Factor: 2.5

I actually had an enjoyable time. Not my favorite by any means, but not terrible.

Overall Rating: 1.8

Krazy Kreatures earns a C. You could do worse when looking for a puzzle game on the NES. Give it a shot.

Krazy Kreatures Video Review on YouTube