Win, Lose or Draw (NES)

Win, Lose or Draw

System: NES

Release Date: March 1990

Developer: Riedel Software Productions

Publisher: Hi Tech Expressions

Genre: Game Show

An entertaining multiplayer diversion is our topic today with Win, Lose or Draw. Based on the late 80s televisionshow, you can play by yourself or with a friend. Choose to play as the dudes or the ladies and get ready to draw and guess.

I played this with Gert and the Boy. We each took turns drawing with controller 2 and guessing with controller 1. The drawing mechanics took a couple tries to get used to. You toggle drawing on and off by pressing the A Button instead of holding the button down to draw. If you make a mistake, the only recourse is to press the B Button for a blank sheet.

There are a few rounds of drawing and guessing and then a speed round. You earn more points by not making incorrect guesses. Easier levels of play give you the number of letters in the answer, while the difficult level does not. The speed round is the best part about playing against the computer, as the drawings happen quickly. Overall, the computer gives pretty good drawings.

Guessing players have to look away from the screen as the drawing player gets the clue. Hopefully your friends and family are trustworthy. You can learn a lot about your friends by what they draw or guess for a clue. I found myself wondering what they were thinking a lot. The game is kind when it comes to spelling and it was the only way I guessed a clue from the Boy. (32:10)

Graphics: 1.0

The graphics are actually pretty poor.

Sound: 1.0

The music and sounds are unremarkable in every way.

Gameplay: 2.5

Once you get the hang of the drawing mechanics, it’s certainly usable.

Difficulty: 2.0

It’s as hard as your teammates imagination. Single player just takes time to get it right.

Fun Factor: 3.5

I enjoyed myself a lot and I think my family did, too.

Overall Grade: 2.0

Win, Lose or Draw earns a C. This is a fine party game. Playing alone kind of sucks, but together is where it’s at.

Win, Lose or Draw Video Review on YouTube